Are Bow Ties Socially Acceptable?


Attention! Just in case you have been living under a rock for the past few years, bow ties are again fashionable. Gone are the days of being looked down upon, and starred at awkwardly. Although I must admit, I've worn bow ties out in certain parts of Florida, and I have felt as if the entire bar has stopped drinking at once, and stared at me, good times, in my book. Being in Florida, it seems the trends get to us last, at least on the east coast of the US. I am sure guys living in NYC, have been rocking bow ties with confidence for a while now. Slowly they have gained popularity in the south. But lets be honest, Florida is not really considered the 'South'. I've noticed wearing a bow tie in say Jacksonville's Riverside area, is far more socially acceptable, then in my native Tampa Bay. But, alas, bow ties are coming around in Tampa too. I typically try to wear a bow tie out for the evening when I can, the last time was in a bar in South Tampa, over all the bow tie went over with rave reviews, but you could tell it still got some confused stares. But, one thing is certain, the ladies were intrigued, most wanted to know if it was a clip-on  and once I told them it was not, they were very impressed and almost amazed that a man knew how to tie one...shocking I know. Wearing a bow tie means you cannot take yourself too seriously, but it also means you are not afraid to stand out in a crowd. Like we've been saying all along, a bow tie is instant conversation piece around your neck. I have first hand experience with that! So get out there and rock a bow tie, you won't regret it!

[caption id="attachment_81" align="aligncenter" width="490"]My weapon of choice - my last outing[/caption]

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  • Posted on by ellabing

    Conor, that is an excellent point! Well Said!

  • Posted on by Conor

    “bow ties are again fashionable” False, they were never not fashionable

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