The Julian Marti Bow Tie Reivew, History and Biology Lessons


History lesson: Born in 1853, in Havana, Cuba, Jose Julian Marti, was a poet and essayist, patriot and martyr. He became dedicated to the freedom of Cuba, where his name became synonymous with freedom throughout Latin America. During Cuba's struggle for

[caption id="attachment_69" align="alignright" width="200"]Julian-Marti Julian-Marti[/caption]

independence from Spain, he became their symbol of freedom. As a distinguished writer he was known for his clear vision of a free and united America. Marti is considered one of the great turn-of-the-century Latin American intellectuals. His work consists of a series of peoms, essays, lectures, novels, and even a children's magazine. All in all, Mr. Marti, proved to be a very accomplished individual and for that we present The Julian Marti Bow Tie.

Truth be told, this is one of our favorite bow ties. Handcrafted from 100% woven silk dupioni, with a real burst of purple bazinga color. So what is silk dupioni you ask? Well, since we are in such a jovial mood tonight we will give you yet another lesson, this time in Biology.

Silk dupioni is rendered from threads from two different silk worms - yes two. When the two worms spin their tantalizing cocoons close together, the fibers become tangled (silly mother nature). These naturally tangled fibers are then used together to make the silk threading. Dupioni is known for its rougher touch, containing bumps and irregularities, than is brethren, normal silk. Creating a completely unique bow tie, perfect for gentlemen wanting to show off a one of a kind look.

Now that you've been classed in the science of silk dupioni AND Jose Julián Martí, please try to wear this bow tie with a bit of dignity and pizzazz.

[caption id="attachment_70" align="aligncenter" width="490"]The Julian Marti Bow Tie The Julian Marti Bow Tie - Notice the natural unique snags[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_71" align="aligncenter" width="490"]The Julian Marti Bow Tie Close Up The Julian Marti Bow Tie Close Up[/caption]


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