Bill Nye - Ties a Bow Tie

For the past few days, Twitter has been blowing up with the news of a new video on Youtube of Bill Nye (The Science Guy) teaching us all how to tie a bow tie. As of this writing, the video has just over 131k views, 4000 plus like, and for some silly reason 19 dislikes (Silly Rabbits). The video displays a step by step ordering on tying our little friend under our chin, with a mix of comical one liners, the video is well done and has good value. If for any reason, it provides a bit of nostalgia for anyone in their late 20s to mid 30s.  Bill also offers us up his Nerdist Channel, Which I imagine is filled with Bunsen burners, and that rat, oh wait, that was that other mad scientist from the 90s, Beakman, I digress. Bill Nye manages to use big 'Scientifical' words such as; snuggify, tightical, attentiotivity, and bowtieical ,when he is addressing how to 'Dress the knot'. Oh and one more, schminkity-wink, which according to very scientific terms, is approximately 5mm. Bill also proves that with a little practice anyone can tie one, proving it when he ties a bow tie in 24 seconds flat. Anyways if his video doesn't do it for you then you can always check ours out, here.
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